
Our support empowers online students to succeed

Our student support ensures your succeed

The decision to undertake or return to study is always a complex one. Online master's students often cite family, career and the desire for balance as critical factors in determining whether further education is for them.

RMIT University recognises that you come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances. Therefore, to best support you in undertaking the new and exciting step of postgraduate study, we’ve implemented a system to suit your needs.

Don’t just take our word for it – discover how a couple of our online students feel about the structure and support of learning at RMIT.

Flexible delivery options  

The 21st-century student cannot be confined to the physical classroom, nor to the traditional 9-5 working day. Our students are often busy working professionals and choose to study to further their career goals. Therefore, our classes are delivered online and accessible across several different platforms so you can study when, where and how best suits your busy lifestyle.

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Serag Bchai, studying project management online at RMIT University.

One of our online students, Serag Bchai highlights flexible delivery as an essential way he received support. A full-time project management professional, Serag utilises devices such as his iPad and mobile phone to make the most of his commute to and from work. The availability of readings and course content allows him to mould his study to suit his career, which is a versatility that he credits his success to and a benefit that cannot be overstated.

Flexibility is also critical to marketing student, Zofia Deschepper. She labels the RMIT interface "intuitive" and praises the way the course content is packaged and accessible because it enhanced her learning.

Success advisors

Some students have reported that online study can be an isolating and confusing experience. RMIT is committed to ensuring that this is not the case. To combat this issue, online students have the opportunity to connect with a Student Success Advisor from the beginning of their studies.

Zofia Deschepper, online Master of Marketing graduate at RMIT University.

Zofia affirms that this service has been a game-changer, praising the variety of support available. "Hemal has been with me every step of the way," she says. The connection she forged with her dedicated advisor ensured she was on the path to success.

Serag agrees, confirming that Student Success Advisors are another example of the benefits of studying through RMIT. Working full time, it can be challenging balancing career and study, so he says: "having them there, reaching out, writing those reminders and letting us know how we’re going with the course is extremely helpful."

Networking support

The role networking has to play in career success has become increasingly prominent. Recognising this, RMIT is committed to assisting students to forge their professional learning networks.

Serag notes the importance of personal connections with tutors to his development, suggesting that this enriches his learning experience, as well as increases the level of ongoing support available to him.

Zofia takes a broader approach and highlights the fact that she has been exposed to students in "different geographies" as an important way of expanding her perspective.

Online study can connect students such as Zofia and Serag, who live in different states, in a way that's not available to those who study purely on-campus. With RMIT, borders are no longer a factor, and students can expand their network like never before.

Connect with our advisors today to find out more

The student affirmation speaks for itself. RMIT ensures that every student is supported while they develop the skills to succeed in the challenging, yet exciting world of online study. Our advisors are on-hand to provide you with information and guide you in the next phase of your career adventure. Call 1300 701 171 to speak with the team.