
Why study Business and Network Marketing?

Study Business and Network Marketing online

The demand for marketing skills is increasing, especially in managerial positions – even those that have traditionally sat far from the marketing portfolio. It makes sense: in a global and competitive marketplace, we’re all chasing the same customers. A marketing silo is no longer an option. Instead the marketing mix (encompassing retention, acquisition and PR) needs to be clearly articulated as part of a company’s overall strategy.

Getting the right marketing qualification isn’t just a box-ticking exercise when you’re trying to stand out from the crowd. You need to be able to talk the talk to nail it in that interview – and preferable provide examples of how you’ve succeeded in the past.


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Peter Walters speaks about the Business and Network Marketing course at RMIT University.


Want to study marketing online? RMIT’s Business and Network Marketing course will give you the skills and experience needed to develop a successful strategy when called upon.

The B2B side of marketing

For many businesses, marketing spend makes up a significant portion of their budget. Although marketing departments don’t develop products or services, per se, they need to make good on their spend by bringing in a generous amount of interest and awareness to compensate for the cost. That’s why the appropriateness of your marketing approach matters more than ever.

No one who understands business sees marketing as a soft skill anymore – it’s data driven and critical to understanding customer behaviours. Plus, there’s a long pipeline of behind-the-scenes work and relationship building that occurs between businesses before a finished product is seen. As RMIT Business and Networking Marketing course coordinator, Peter Walters says: “When you think your favourite brand … the majority of the work that happens is in B2B. It’s companies working together to bring that brand to us as consumers”.

How network marketing is the new big thing

In a nutshell, this course will examine how companies work together to bring brands, products and services to consumers. It will teach you a range of marketing models to help you structure the way you approach a problem, then find and implement a solution.

This network approach was popularised in computing, particularly in machine learning. As marketing becomes more competitive and based on data and analytics, people with the skills to logically understand a problem, then develop and implement a marketing solution will be at the front of the queue for decision-making roles.

At-a-glance learning outcomes

If you enrol into RMIT’s postgraduate marketing course, Business and Network Marketing, you will:

Learn to apply theories and models to analyse customer behaviours and needs;

  • Evaluate business relationships, networks and marketing strategy to develop solutions;
  • Use a network approach to identify, develop and present marketing opportunities; and
  • Critically evaluate and discuss the links between core competencies, value creation and value delivery to create integrated business marketing outcomes.

Get in touch with our Enrolment team to learn more about this course and the online RMIT Master of Marketing degree on 1300 701 171.