New year, new direction: our top digital marketing tools for 2018
There’s no better way to start the new year than with a revamp of your digital marketing strategies. However, just like your personal resolutions, it’s often hard to know where to start.
There has been a surge in the popularity of digital marketing, as businesses embrace the plethora of opportunities offered by the online world. But many have found themselves cast adrift in a sea of unknown.
As the world becomes increasingly digital-focused, strong digital marketing is the way to boost your brand awareness. But even if you aren’t tech savvy, you haven’t been locked out of the game just yet. There are several effective and easy-to-use tools to cut the hard work out of digital marketing. Here are the ones to watch in 2018:
Invigorate your interactivity
Crazy Egg is an application designed to visually map the traffic coming to your website. It’s an inside look at what information is getting through to your customers. Graphics are masterfully employed to visually display images, links and content that receive the most views. Studies have shown that websites only have approximately ten seconds to engage users before they navigate away. Crazy Egg not only empowers businesses to understand what information users are most engaged with, it’s a relatively simple platform that allows you to trial design and content changes before you permanently embed them on your site. As a result, both small and large businesses can analyse the traffic on their site and ensure that it’s tailored to their needs, boosting usability and, ultimately, sales.
Handle those headers
If you’ve ever chuckled at a great one-liner, you’ll know the importance of short, sharp taglines. With digital marketing, it’s essential that your headlines are as good - if not better - than your punchlines.
If you’re struggling to attract attention, then perhaps Coschedule’s Headline Analyser is for you. Initially, the program employs an algorithm to assist you in identifying the desired length and word choice to best target your customers. It then allows you to consolidate all your social media platforms into the program. This means that the same headline can be tailored to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, eDMs and more.
Whether you belong to a professional marketing department, or a small business going it alone, this program promises to cut down on both the time and stress that comes with generating a wide reach and building a social media following.
Content: the crowning creation
Any digital marketing expert will tell you that content is king. However, for many businesses, generating the right content to engage, inform and entertain consumers can be a huge challenge.
Content creation tools, such as Articoolo, look set to revolutionise this previously difficult task. The program uses a form of artificial intelligence to either generate original content or rewrite those drafts that just don’t seem to work. This promises to save businesses significant time and money, as content is one of the most labour intensive aspects of digital marketing. Additionally, Articoolo guarantees highly original articles that are free from plagiarism.
The demand for digital marketing, and those who have the skills and experience in it, will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years. These software programs are a great starting point for marketers and businesses alike to improve their marketing efforts in 2018.
Get in touch with our Enrolment team to learn more about this course and the online RMIT Master of Marketing degree on 1300 701 171.