
How to use technology to increase marketing success

According to a recent Forbes Insights report, 60 per cent of brand and agency executives reported a significant change in their roles and responsibilities over the last two years. One of the driving factors? The role that technology plays in driving and achieving marketing strategy.

It’s becoming clearer that to bring marketing plans to life – and more importantly, engage the right audience – marketers need to be using technology to its full potential. So how can marketers get past those engagement barriers and effectively translate their core messages.

Make adjustments in real time

Being able to adjust your campaign as a result of the way it’s being received is an invitation to take risks with confidence, Lisa Donohue of Starcom USA says in the report. “There is less emphasis on waiting to make the perfect decision and more focus on being agile and nimble enough to make adjustments as you get more information… we know we can quickly change course if necessary.”

Your audience and strategy can change, and change quickly, however this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You can use these shifts in behaviour to your advantage in your documentation, then utilise the data gathered to make your campaigns more appealing and relevant.

Understand your customers to create an outstanding customer experience

Whether it’s by following the way customers shop online, beaconing technology in brick-and-mortar stores or conducting large-scale customer surveys, using real data to establish a well informed customer journey map is an essential step in providing a service that goes above and beyond.

In the report, Patrick Adams of PayPal said, “It’s all about surprising and delighting customers and making their lives easier. That mindset coupled with the enormous access we have to data today, can make a meaningful difference for consumers.”

Find the technology that works best for your business needs

21 per cent of respondents attributed ineffective or outdated technology as a key challenge to delivering their marketing strategies. On the other hand, 57 per cent indicated that they would be making new technology investments in the next year.

With figures as high as this, it’s important to consider the most appropriate technology for delivering your business’ objectives. Whether that be brand awareness or a higher return on investment, making the right decision on which technology will be most effective pays off in the long run.

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